
Choosing The Perfect Social Media Platforms For Your Target Audience

The social media landscape is vast and ever-evolving. New platforms emerge, features change, and algorithms shift, leaving many marketers feeling lost in the digital wilderness. But fear not! With a strategic approach, you can navigate the social media jungle and find the perfect platforms to connect with your target audience just by knowing the differences between each platform and the people who use them!

This in-depth guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions about your social media presence. We’ll delve into the key factors to consider, explore popular platforms and their strengths, and provide tips for crafting a winning social media strategy.

Understanding Your Target Audience

The foundation of any successful social media strategy lies in understanding your target audience. Who are you trying to reach? Here are some key questions to get you started:

  • Demographics: Age, gender, location, income, education level.
  • Psychographics: Interests, hobbies, values, lifestyle choices.
  • Online Behaviour: What platforms do they use? How do they consume content? What are their pain points and aspirations?

Knowing your target audience allows you to speak directly to their needs and desires. If you’re selling athletic wear, your ads could showcase the product’s features that benefit athletes, such as breathability, moisture-wicking technology, or a comfortable fit. This targeted messaging resonates with your audience, making them more likely to click on your ad, learn more about your product, and potentially make a purchase.

By targeting the right audience, you gather accurate and relevant data on your campaign’s performance. This data shows you what’s working and what’s not. Maybe your ad messaging resonates with a specific age group but not another. Based on this information, you can optimise your targeting, messaging, and creatives for future campaigns, leading to continuous improvement and better results over time.

Without understanding your target audience, you might miss valuable opportunities to reach potential customers. Social media platforms offer extensive targeting options based on demographics, interests, and online behaviour. By neglecting to leverage this information, you might miss out on connecting with a segment of your target audience who could be highly receptive to your message.

Let’s take a look at some of the popular platforms…

Now that you’ve profiled your target audience, let’s explore the strengths and ideal uses of some of the most popular social media platforms:


Facebook is still the social media giant and is the largest online social network in the world with roughly 3.05 billion monthly active users. Facebook boasts a wide demographic reach. It’s a versatile platform for sharing news, announcements, longer-form content, and fostering community discussions. Facebook is a place where families and friends come to connect and share their lives. The targeting abilities are very strong, you are able to place your content in front of your ideal customer at a lower cost.

What are the demographics of Facebook?

  • Age: Reaches a broad range of ages, with significant representation from 25-54 year-olds.
  • Income: Varied, but skews slightly higher than the national average.
  • Location: Global reach, with a strong presence in North America and Europe.
  • Interests: Diverse interests, but commonalities include news, entertainment, and family.


The land of visual storytelling, Instagram thrives on high-quality images, videos, and Stories. It’s ideal for brands with a strong visual identity and those targeting younger audiences. With eye-catching photos and short videos rule Instagram. Leverage Stories and Reels to showcase your brand’s behind-the-scenes and human side.

Instagram also has over 2 billion monthly active users and is the second most popular platform amongst global marketers after Facebook.

What are the demographics of Instagram?

  • Age:  Younger, with the majority of users falling between 18-34 years old.
  • Income: Varied, but with a potential concentration in higher income brackets.
  • Location: Global reach, with a strong presence in urban areas.
  • Interests: Fashion, travel, food, and lifestyle.

X (Previously Twitter)

The pulse of real-time conversation, X excels at breaking news, trending topics, and quick bursts of information. It’s a great platform for customer service and audience engagement. When advertising on X, keep it concise and informative. Use relevant hashtags, participate in trending conversations, and run polls to spark engagement.

Also despite being surpassed by TikTok in terms of total users, Twitter still has a significant 666 million monthly active users. Additionally, Twitter’s short-form format makes it the platform where users spend the least amount of time daily on average, at only 31 minutes.

What are the demographics of X (Previously Twitter)?

  • Age: Slightly younger, with a concentration in the 18-49 year old range.
  • Income: Varied, but with a potential concentration in higher income brackets.
  • Location: Global reach, with a strong presence in urban areas and among news-hungry audiences.
  • Interests: Current events, breaking news, and public discourse.


The professional networking platform, LinkedIn is a goldmine for B2B marketing and thought leadership content. Share industry insights, job postings, and company updates to connect with potential clients and partners. Professional and informative content is key here. Share industry thought leadership articles, company news, and success stories.

Unlike traditional social media platforms that focus on personal updates and connections, LinkedIn thrives on a unique collection of first-party career data. Users on LinkedIn actively build profiles specifically detailing their professional experience, educational background, skills, and even accomplishments. This creates a rich database of information directly provided by users themselves, offering a much clearer picture of someone’s professional life compared to the glimpses you might get on other social media platforms.

With over 1 billion registered users globally, LinkedIn is the largest online professional network, and has a presence in over 200 countries and territories with localised versions available in 26 languages, making it a valuable platform for reaching a diverse professional audience.

What are the demographics of LinkedIn?

  • Age: Professionals of all ages, with a concentration in the 25-64 year old range.
  • Income: Typically higher income earners.
  • Location: Global reach, with a strong presence in professional hubs.
  • Interests: B2B marketing, industry insights, and career development.


The video content king, YouTube offers immense potential for brand storytelling, tutorials, product demonstrations, and building brand awareness. YouTube boasts a staggering 2 billion monthly active users, making it the second most visited website globally, only behind Google itself. This translates to a vast potential audience for your brand message.

YouTube users are highly engaged, spending an average of 15 hours and 25 minutes watching videos per week. This signifies their receptiveness to video content and their potential interest in well-crafted video marketing campaigns.

What are the demographics of YouTube?

  • Age: Reaches a wide range of ages, with significant representation from teens to adults.
  • Income: Varied, but skews slightly younger demographics.
  • Location: Global reach.
  • Interests: Diverse interests, with a strong focus on entertainment, education, and tutorials.


The rising star, TikTok is a platform for short-form, engaging videos. It’s a great way to reach younger demographics and showcase your brand’s personality in a fun and creative way.  Short, fun, and viral-worthy content is the name of the game. Leverage trending challenges, user-generated content, and creative humour to connect with your audience. Over 60% of Gen Z users use this platform daily. TikTok is the fastest-growing social media platform globally and is continuing to grow each year, with over 1 billion monthly active users.

What are the demographics of TikTok?

  • Age: Very young, with the majority of users between 13-24 years old.
  • Income: Varied, but may lean towards younger demographics with lower disposable income.
  • Location: Global reach, with a growing presence in North America and Europe.
  • Interests: Entertainment, humour, music, and dance trends.

Now You Build Your Strategy:

Now that you’ve explored the landscape and identified potential platforms, it’s time to build your social media strategy. Here are some key steps to follow:

  1. Set SMART Goals:

Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals for your social media presence. Do you want to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, or generate leads? Having clear goals will guide your content strategy and measure your success.

  1. Craft a Content Calendar:

Plan your content in advance to ensure consistency and avoid last-minute scrambles. Create a calendar that includes different content formats, relevant hashtags, and scheduled posting times for each platform.

  1. Analyse and Adapt:

Social media is a dynamic environment. Regularly monitor your analytics to see what’s working and what’s not. Experiment with different content formats, posting times, and platforms to optimise your reach and engagement.

  1. Be Authentic and Engaging:

Don’t just broadcast; connect! Respond to comments, participate in conversations, and run interactive campaigns to build relationships with your audience.

  1. Embrace the Power of Collaboration:

Partner with influencers, industry experts, or even your customers to create fresh content and reach new audiences.

Remember, social media is a marathon, not a sprint. Building a successful presence takes time, effort, and constant evaluation. By understanding your target audience, tailoring your content to each platform, and setting clear goals, you can navigate the social media jungle and cultivate a thriving online community for your brand.

By understanding your target audience and their preferred platforms, along with the content styles that resonate best, you can tailor a winning paid social strategy. But if you’d like expert guidance to maximise your reach and conversions, Talking Stick Digital is here to help!

We offer a comprehensive suite of paid social services, from platform selection and audience targeting to creative development and campaign management. Contact us today for a free digital marketing audit or if you would just like a chat and let’s discuss how we can unlock the full potential of paid social media for your brand.